Monday, April 26, 2010

Zone 9 Blueberry Varieties

So, from Raintree, these are my choices for zone 9:

The Chandler Blueberry

It has the longest ripening season of any blueberry, providing more than a month of sweet, firm delicious fruit.

$13.50 / plant

The Elizabeth (no photo)
It's back! Blueberry gourmets have long been trying to find a source of Elizabeth! This variety developed in New Jersey in the 1960's is sought for its superior flavor. $12.50  / plant

Misty Blueberry

Hardiness to 0° F, a very low chilling requirement of only 150 chilling hours and a tolerance for higher pH soils makes this a perfect USDA Zones 7-9 choice. $14.50 / plant

This looks like a good plant for this area.


The unique crisp, almost crunchy texture and the outstanding popping flavor make this a must for your blueberry patch. $8.50

Unfortunately, it says they need 600 chilling hours... may be too little for here.

Sharp Blue

If you are in the South, enjoy delicious fresh blueberries year around! Sharpblue is the most adaptable variety in low chill areas. $8.50

 This looks like a good choice for us.


Hardiness to 0 degrees F, a very low chilling requirement of only 150 chilling hours and a tolerance for higher pH soils makes this a perfect choice for gardeners in the Pacific Northwest, the South or in California. One gallon plants. $12.50

Hmmm... looks possible

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